Monday, 5 January 2015

Eamcet 2015 counselling notification AP Telangana

Download EAMCET 2015 online Web counseling dates and seat allotment.Jawaharlal National Technological university will conduct the EMCET counseling process 2015 in order to allot the college and course to the candidates who will be qualified in the EAMCET exam 2015. All those candidates who will pass the EAMCET exam will be given a score card and based on which the candidates will be called for the online counseling process. Here we are including all the steps that
EAMCET 2015 Notification
the candidates will have to undergo in the EAMCET counseling process.Also check here EAMCET 1st 2nd counselling dates in AP telangana states. Only those candidates will be called for the counseling that have score minimum marks required in their category cutoff. There s no negative marking this time so we advise candidates to solve all the questions and they can mark all answers and must score better marks in the examination. eamcet 2014 counselling notification,eamcet 2015 Engineering and  medical counselling notification rank wise ,Eamcet counselling seat allotments 2015 telangana,AP will be publish on

EAMCET 2015 counseling schedule and process

1. Those who will qualify the EAMCET test will be called for counseling and such candidates will be given the counseling letters to them.

2. Candidates will need to undergo document verification first, these who will be found fair in document verification will go for counseling process

3. In counseling, candidates will see various colleges and courses available to them as per their rank in EAMCET.

4. They can choose all the colleges available to them and assign a preference to them.

5. Lock the choice and your work is over. Wait for the allotment.

During the document verification phase, following documents will be checked and candidates will need to have these documents:

1. Birth certificate.

2. Category certificate( SC ST OBC Minority etc)

3. Income certificate for availing of benefits/ scholarships

4. Admit Card of EAMCET

5. Hall Ticket of SSC or equivalent

6. Resident proof

7. Other certificates like OC, PWD etc.

This is about the EAMCET counseling procedure and the document which will be need during the online counseling process.
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EAMCET 2015 Notification Eligibility


  1. Latest Eamcet counselling dates Information And Eamcet results 2015 Telengana and ap please visit
    eamcet counselling dates 2015

    Easy search & filter the list of Colleges / Courses for which affiliation have been accorded from university concerned.
