Monday, 5 January 2015

EAMCET 2015 Reservation Seats Details

EAMCET 2015 Reservation norms for seat allotment .EAMCET will soon conduct the online and offline EAMCET examination for admission to medical, engineering and agricultural courses in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and a lot of candidates who will pass the exam will get the admission in first year of such courses. According to the policy of government and policy of state government some seats are reserved for the socially and economically backward section of the society and this reservation is going to help in the upliftment of the socially and economically backward candidates. This is the purpose of having reservation. Candidates will be called for the online counseling process as per the EAMCET rank 2015 of the candidates. However they shall be given the reservation while choosing the college and institute for them during the counseling process. Candidates will see the more number of available colleges and institute for them in the counseling process.

EAMCET reservation rules 2015 examination

Following is the rule of reservation in this examination which the candidates who are going to apply in this exam must understand. The benefit of such reservation will be given to candidates during the time of seat allotment.

1. SC candidates from the AP and Telangana will get 6% of the total seat reserved for them if they qualify in the SC category only.

2. For the ST candidates, they will get 15% of the total seats in non minority colleges and institutes.

3. OBC candidates will get 25% reservation in the non minority colleges and institutes.

4. I the category of SC ST and OBC 3% seats are reserved for those who belong to the Orthopedically challenged person categories.

5. 2% reservation is there for those candidates whose father had served in BSF or CRPF in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

6. For female candidates there is reservation of 33% in all the seats.

Good luck!

EAMCET 2015 Exam pattern and syllabus

Download AP telangana TS EAMCET 2015 exam pattern and syllabus.EAMCET examination for the admission in very professional courses is soon going to commence and a lot of candidates are wondering about the EAMCET exam pattern and type of questions which will be asked in the examination. it is important to note that the performance in EAMCET exam is vital to get admission in the college and institute of your choice as there is no other selection criteria for the admission process except the written EAMCET 2015 examination

Candidates should therefore understand the exam pattern and syllabus clear to perform well in this examination. Those who will rank high in the written test will be called first for the counseling process and those who will rank lower will be caller later. However the candidates who belong to the reserved categories will be given the benefit for the same during the seat allotment procedure.

Here the details regarding the EAMCET exam pattern and syllabus have been contained and aspirants can check it.Also find below all eamcet regarding query's from our site
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EAMCET exam pattern and syllabus 2015 details

1. The exam will be bilingual in nature. The exam paper will be published in English and Telugu language both and candidates can choose any of the medium to answer the questions.

2. There will be 3 sections in the examination viz Physics, chemistry and mathematics.

3. The mathematics section will contain 80 marks and physics and chemistry questions will be 40 each. Thus total number of questions will be 160

4. Time allowed for the test will be 3 hours.

5. There will not be any negative marking in the examination and candidates can do all the questions.

6. For those candidates who wish to solve the paper in Urdu language should appear for the Hyderabad center only and they should mark their choice of exam as Hyderabad during the online EMACET registration process.

EAMCET Result 2015

EAMCET 2015 Sample papers Engg,Medical

Free download EAMCET 2015 Sample papers.Engineering Agricultural and Medical common entrance test is conducted by the Jawaharlal National Technological University, Hyderabad each year for the admission in first year to various colleges who are offering courses like medical , engineering and agricultural courses. A lot of candidates from the state of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh apply for this exam to pursue their Graduation from the professional courses and there is good competition for this examination. 

Those candidates who have applied for the EAMCET 2015 exam has been looking for the EAMCET sample papers 2015 to boost their preparation and here we have come out both the same. Here is some of the links of the sample papers which the candidates can download from it and they can solve it to understand the pattern of examination. For more details, candidates can visit the official website of the JNTU University.  It is about the current EAMCET exam pattern and the examination which is going to be conducted very soon.

EAMCET study materials 2015

Here is the pattern of the examination for the offline test which will be conducted. There will be test for physics, chemistry and mathematics as per the given pattern and candidates can prepare for the same using the pattern given here.

Section name
Maximum Marks
No. of Question

Candidates can download the free sample papers for EAMCET 2015 fro the given links and they can prepare according to it. They are based on the previous year exam paper and similar type of questions will be asked in the examination. Those who will qualify the exam will be called for the online counseling process later.

Click here to download the EAMCET Physics, chemistry and Math sample papers 2015

EAMCET 2015 Sample papers/Model paper 

EAMCET 2015 Sample Papers/Model papers

EAMCET 2015 Registration Process

EAMCET 2015 Eligibility

EAMCET 2015 Cut Off Marks 2014

EAMCET 2015 Counselling 

EAMCET 2015 Hall Ticket/Admit card

EAMCET 2015 Exam Pattern/Syllabus

EAMCET 2015 Reservation Seats

EAMCET 2015 Answer Key

AP TS EAMCET 2015 Registration Process /Application Form

EAMCET 2015 Application Form registration process,Notification date.EAMCET is the entrance examination which is conducted by the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad on behalf of the state technical council. This is the entrance exam which is conducted for the engineering and medical aspirants to take admission in one of the colleges both private and government college in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. 

EAMCET 2015 Notification date,application form to apply online of AP TS.also find here EAMCET
2015 exam date,last date to apply online.A lot of candidates apply each year for the EAMCET examination as this is their favorite entrance exam to pursue the engineering and medical courses. Those who wish to apply for the EAMCET entrance exam 2015 must register soon from the official website and through the online medium only. The details of the registration process are available online and here we are covering step by step process of EAMCET online registration which will help them register for the available courses. Candidates must have passed at least class 12th/ intermediate from a Board/ school in Andhra Pradesh or Telangana only.

Eligibility criteria for EAMCET 2015

Here is the details of the eligibility that candidates should fulfill if they are going to apply for the Engineering, medical and agricultural courses available in various government and private colleges.

1. Candidates should have attained the age of 17 years in order to be applicable to apply for the available courses.

2. There domicile must be AP or Telangana. They must have studied from the schools established in Telangana or Andhra Pradesh only.

3. They must have secured at least 45% marks in their 10+2 in PCM or PCB as the course available to them and according to it.

4. For more details candidates should visit the official website and download the EAMCET 2015 notification pdf.

Payment details:

All the aspirants need to pay Rs 250 for the engineering or medical courses and those who wish to apply for the engineering and medical courses both should pay Rs 500 as application fee. The exam for both Engineering and medical courses will be conducted on different dates. 

The fee can be paid through the online/ offline mode available at the official website.

Step by step process of EAMCET online registration

1. Visit the official website and click on new registration. Fill in all the details like name date of birth, percentage of marks and passing year etc.

2. Upload the photo and signature in the appropriate locations and according to the given size limit and format.

3. Pay the required amount of pay either through online of offline medium and complete the registration process.

4. Take a print of the registration and candidates should retain the copy till the call letter is available.

This is regarding the EAMCET application form 2015 apply online and how to register online for the entrance exam which will be conducted soon.

EAMCET Cut off 2015 MBBS,Engineering,Medical

Check EAMCET cut off 2015 Mbbs,Engineering Admissions in AP and telangana states details.EAMCET exam will be conducted very soon at several centers in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and those who have applied for the exam should attend the examination for the admission process in various colleges. Those candidates who wish o appear in the exam from the Urdu language should indicate Hyderabad as their exam center during filling up of the EAMCET 2015 application form

Other candidates can choose any center that is near their residence and they need to appear in that area. After that EAMCET 2015 will conduct the objective type test for the admission process in that center and candidates can attempt all the questions. mbbs cut off marks 2014,cut off marks for mbbs 2015There is no negative marking in EAMCET examination .and those who wish may attempt all the 160 questions in the examination. Candidates will get the EAMCET cutoff 2015 details very soon on the official website once their exam is over.

EAMCET 2015 cutoff details:

EAMCET cutoff will be declared for each category separately like for OBC category, SC, ST and PWD category. 

The generally category cutoff will be different from the other categories. Candidates who have filled up the horizontal and vertical reservation in the application form will get the cutoff according to both the reservation norms. This cutoff will tell the minimum marks required by the candidates in their category to qualify the examination. eamcet notification dates and eamcet 2015 exam date,eamcet application date will be update at eamcet website.

Those who will score the minimum marks as per the EAMCET cutoff 2015 will be called for the admission process and those who won’t score the minimum marks will not be consisted for the counseling process. 

EAMCET Govt Website

Based on the score card where cutoff is mentioned, candidates will be called for the counseling process and document verification process in the examination.

here the importance of EAMCET cutoff marks I the exam has been included and candidates should check the details.
  1. Eamcet cut off marks 2015 medical
  2. eamcet cut off marks 2015 engineering
  3. Last Year 2014 EAMCET Cut off marks

EAMCET 2015 Eligibility

EAMCET 2015 Counselling Notification Details

Eamcet 2015 counselling notification AP Telangana

Download EAMCET 2015 online Web counseling dates and seat allotment.Jawaharlal National Technological university will conduct the EMCET counseling process 2015 in order to allot the college and course to the candidates who will be qualified in the EAMCET exam 2015. All those candidates who will pass the EAMCET exam will be given a score card and based on which the candidates will be called for the online counseling process. Here we are including all the steps that
EAMCET 2015 Notification
the candidates will have to undergo in the EAMCET counseling process.Also check here EAMCET 1st 2nd counselling dates in AP telangana states. Only those candidates will be called for the counseling that have score minimum marks required in their category cutoff. There s no negative marking this time so we advise candidates to solve all the questions and they can mark all answers and must score better marks in the examination. eamcet 2014 counselling notification,eamcet 2015 Engineering and  medical counselling notification rank wise ,Eamcet counselling seat allotments 2015 telangana,AP will be publish on

EAMCET 2015 counseling schedule and process

1. Those who will qualify the EAMCET test will be called for counseling and such candidates will be given the counseling letters to them.

2. Candidates will need to undergo document verification first, these who will be found fair in document verification will go for counseling process

3. In counseling, candidates will see various colleges and courses available to them as per their rank in EAMCET.

4. They can choose all the colleges available to them and assign a preference to them.

5. Lock the choice and your work is over. Wait for the allotment.

During the document verification phase, following documents will be checked and candidates will need to have these documents:

1. Birth certificate.

2. Category certificate( SC ST OBC Minority etc)

3. Income certificate for availing of benefits/ scholarships

4. Admit Card of EAMCET

5. Hall Ticket of SSC or equivalent

6. Resident proof

7. Other certificates like OC, PWD etc.

This is about the EAMCET counseling procedure and the document which will be need during the online counseling process.
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EAMCET 2015 Notification Eligibility

Thursday, 1 January 2015

EAMCET 2015 Eligibility Criteria AP Telangana Application

EAMCET eligibility criteria 2015 For Engineering,Medical Entrance Exams to get BE,B.Tech MBBS and BDS Courses joining in Telangana,Andhra pradesh states.Here in this post we are discussing the eligibility criteria that the candidates must fulfill if they are going to appear in the EAMCET Entrance examination 2015 which will be conducted very soon. 

The candidates will be enrolled for the entrance examination without assessing the eligibility at the preliminary stages. After the examination, if the candidates are found unsuitable according to the mentioned eligibility criteria they will not be allowed to appear for the online counseling. During the online counseling, candidates will be called for their document verification first and after that they will be allowed to appear for the online counsel ling. 

Candidates in their own interest are advised to go through the eligibility criteria mentioned here and make sure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria for EAMCET 2015 and they will be assessed at the time of the online counseling. Here are how the candidates can check their eligibility for the entrance examination.This article is to inform the candidates who are going to appear in the EAMCET 2015 and the eligibility criteria to appear for the examination.

EAMCET 2015 eligibility for engineering and medical courses:

1. Candidates should be of Indian origin or the overseas citizen of India who want to take admission in the engineering and medical courses.

2. Candidates are required to have passed their 10+2 from a school established in AP or Telangana or they must be residing in the state of Telangana or Andhra Pradesh as Local or non local status.

3. Candidates must have studied Physics, chemistry and Biology/ mathematics at one of the compulsory subjects at their 10+2 level/ intermediate school.

4. Those candidates who are appearing in 10+2 or have passed in 10+2 are eligible. Also those who have passed their Diploma in engineering and pharmacy courses from an institute/ college in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana are also eligible for the entrance examination.

5. Candidates must have scored at least 45% marks at 10+2 in aggregate and for those belonging to the reserved category must have secured at least 40% marks at their intermediate level.

6. Candidates should have attained the age of at least 17 years for the engineering courses and those who are applying for the pharmacy courses must have attained the age of at least 16 years.

7. Those candidates appearing for B.TECH (diary technology) , B.TECH (FS and T and agricultural) courses must have upper limit of age as 22 years and for the SC ST candidates it is 25 years.

EAMCET 2015 Official Updates: